Friday, April 15, 2011

Bluebirds Feeding Young

The bluebirds spend the day flying back and forth bringing insects to their babies. We sat on the porch this afternoon, just 10 feet from the box with the nest. I held my breath when a male bluebird alighted in a nearby maple, insect in mouth. The bluebird hesitated, looking at us. Several minutes passed in silence.  I sat motionless, practicing invisibility. Finally the bluebird flew to the box. A chorus of peeps started as soon as he landed on top. He flew away, then a minute later returned with an insect with large wings in his beak and disappeared into the hole to feed the babies. A happy moment. 


Donna said...

Sheila, I love your blog and look forward to reading your wonderful to see the bluebirds up close...

Sheila said...

Yes, I love it that they are nesting in a box on a pine tree just feet outside our dining room window.